As a result of the savings calculator, you get the total amount and return on your investment. You can give a different amount for the first deposit and for the subsequent deposits. If the amount is always the same, enter the same values in the fields. If you want, you can also give only the first savings amount.
Compound interest
In the calculator above, the final amount can get very large. This is due to the compound interest effect.
Let's assume that the annual interest rate is 5% and you only make an initial investment of 1000€. You do not make any more investments. After the first year, you get 50€ in interest. The amount saved increases to 1050€. The following year the interest will not be paid on 1000€, but on 1050€. The interest is paid on the accumulated interest. The annual interest is now 52.50€. The amount saved will be 1102.50€.
If the savings period is 20 years, the final amount will be 2653.30€. So you have received a return of 1653.30€ for your 1000€ investment.
The above is an example of a compound interest calculation. Interest can also be calculated in a simple way. In this method, no interest is calculated on the previously accrued interest. In this way, only 50€ in interest accrues annually. In such a case of simple interest, a 20-year investment of 1000€ at 5% interest would produce 50€ every year, i.e. a total of 1000€, and the final amount would be 2000€.